Wednesday, November 9, 2011

God's Timing.

Well, our "possible move" is out.  Brad (the hubby) was told on Friday this company was going to fly him out to the East Coast for an interview in a week - "call back Monday for the confirmation".  He called back Monday, twice.  He was told "I'll call you in 30 minutes".  He got a call the next afternoon.  Turns out this HR guy couldn't get the budget approved to fly him out (this hasn't happened before apparently) and they are going to look regionally.  Sigh.

We have been doing this for 17 months.  Trying to find a better job for Brad with more opportunity, and let's just face it, more pay.  We are SO thankful we both have jobs, but Brad's employer has been..... well... deceitful.  This job market IS tough. 

You would think that I, the woman who gave birth to a child 3 weeks and 1 day AFTER his due date would understand that God's timing is perfect.  However, this is one of those lessons that I know I am going to have to keep learning because I never get it for more than a day or two.

We were bummed about the way this worked out.  Truth is, we had both gotten very excited about the opportunites for Asher and the new baby on the East Coast.  We had both begun looking forward to living close to a big city again. Even though we said we weren't going to get excited.  How do you NOT?

I know God has a plan.  A friend of ours just sold her house after THREE YEARS on the market.  I joked with her yesterday that we are half way there.  So it can't be too much longer, right?

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