Friday, July 24, 2015

10 months JAB

Life is flying with 3 littles.

Faster than I can keep up. I'm learning to stay home when we can, and to say NO to what we can, which helps to slow everything down.

Judah, you are blond! The blue eyes, we weren't so shocked at that, but I keep waiting for that hair to darken. It just keeps getting lighter! I thought I saw it growing in lighter, so I gave you a haircut, and yep. Blond.

You are such a sweet baby. Daddy and I went on a 4 day trip to Seattle, and you turned 9 months old while we were gone, and since that time you don't want to leave my side. You give hugs everytime I get you from your crib and we love your open-mouthed kisses.

You are standing on furniture, standing on your own for several seconds at a time, and crusing everywhere you can. We are in constant awe of how BUSY you are and how much you love putting EVERYTHING YOU CAN FIND into your mouth.

I just saw a blog post yesterday of an artist who photographed 63 items she removed from her child's mouth. These pictures were taken over months, I could do that in a day.

You love baths, blueberries, and climbing up and down the stairs. You love standing at the front door, nursing to sleep, and you apparently love the taste of mulch. You love your brothers, being on our big bed, and standing on your toes to play the piano.

We cannot imagine this world without you, Judah.

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